

Bondi Beach 2026 NSW

Smarter play for growing minds

What do we do?

Turn ordinary play into meaningful, skills-building activities. Our Educational Activity Kits come in a range of sizes for 3-6 year old children. They can be enjoyed alone, with friends or the whole family - Yay for that!

Affordable, flexible and adaptable

From the minute you open the Educational Activity Kit, you are ready to play with children 3-6 years old.

Play based learning

With unlimited access to a whole suite of unique play based learning activities and tools, nothing will hold you back in developing those brilliant minds.

Build children's skills

Yay4Play provides parents and teachers with structured play activities to build children’s skills. Suitable for 3-6 year old children.


Provides Online Courses

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Where to find us

Bondi Beach NSW 2026, Australia