Yamba Diamond Martial Arts
Yamba 2464 NSW4.7 (View 15 ratings)Yamba DMA is focused on enriching the lives of families, providing a welcoming, safe and positive environment for the entire family to learn martial arts.
What do we do?
Self-confidence through self-defense training!
YDMA is devoted to the community of Yamba. Our mission is to provide a safe and ego free environment for all members of the family to practice health and well being.
Brett Austin first began Martial Arts as a child in 1984. This experience was the catalyst for joining the Ragular Army in 1989. Having served as a Combat Engineer, posted to Overseas Deployment Force Brett discovered GoJu Ryu and continued his training until reaching Black belt. Frequent postings afforded Brett the opportunity of training in Boxing, mixed Martial Arts and combative arts.
Having seen Active service in East Timor Brett returned to Brisbane to operate a full time Close Quarter Combat training centre and appointed as 2IC of Budo-Jitsu CQC. Due to on going medical issues in 2009 Brett ceased all training to focus on recovery.
In 2014 after recovering from a broken neck sustained in a major car accident, the need to reconnect with Martial Arts was evident and Master Phil Monaghan invited Brett to a session. From that day on the journey has continued to evolve with Yamba Diamond Martial Arts opening in October 2016.
YDMA provides age specific classes for your child ensuring specific needs are met according to their developmental needs.
★ Combat Wombats - Ages 5 to 6.5
Our Junior beginner classes focus on basic gymnastics skills developing, balance, coordination, gross motor skill function. Equally as important are the skills of listening for increased learning outcomes.
★ Combat Kids - Beginners - Ages 7 to 10
Our fitness and fundamentals class provides the crucial platform for a child's physical and emotional growth. With a focus on core stability, strength, cardiovascular and flexibility, your child learns the benefits of a healthy foundation for life.
Such subjects as:
• Stranger Danger
• Bully prevention
• Drug awareness are all included as part of the child safety curriculum.
★ Combat Kids - Intermediate
Our intermediate group for ages 10 to 15 or Blue belt and above. Students are quite through more advanced skills as well as scenario based training. Such training makes a response more likely to succeed under pressure. This program is the path to Black belt.
The life long journey has for Brett been about self defence, self discovery and SURVIVAL.
Yamba has classes in
★ Hapkido
★ Hosinsul
★ Tukkong Musool
★ Close Quarter Combat
★ Filipino Martial Arts
Yamba Diamond Martial Arts is founded around the philosophy of "Train for tomorrow today".
Accepts NSW Active Kids Vouchers
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Where to find us
35 Coldstream St, Yamba NSW 2464, Australia
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