Cooma Gymnastics Club Incorperated
Cooma 2630 NSWThe premier gymnastics club in the Snowy Mountains region. Our coaches are fully qualified with Gymnastics Australia. Teach it safe, teach it right!
What do we do?
As a club, we endeavour to provide quality gymnastics programs for people of all ages and abilities and are thrilled that you have chosen our club to experience the benefits that gymnastics can provide for lifelong development and learning. Our qualified and experienced coaches provide a safe and challenging learning environment, combined with positive encouragement to enhance self-confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline and personal character. As part of the Gymnastics Australia framework, gymnastics incorporates gross motor skills, including balance, agility and spatial awareness, physical fitness, including flexibility, strength and endurance, and body coordination, concentration and mental alertness. We aim to assist all our participants to achieve their own personal highest possible level.
A sense of family is extremely important here at Cooma Gymnastics Club. As a not-for-profit sporting organisation, our focus is on supporting the Monaro region and building a love of gymnastics for all to enjoy.
★ LittleGym (18 months - 5 years)
Our littleGym program provides a safe environment for children to develop physical skills in a fun and playful way. This class is instructor led with parents participation.
★ KinderGym (3 years - 5 years)
Our Kindergym Class is an instuctor led gymnastics class, with parents nearby. A fun way to learn Co-ordination, strength and flexibility through gymnastics.
★ Junior Active (5 years - 8 years)
Follows the Beginner level of our recreational level system for 5-8 year old students working on core gymnastics skills, strength, co-ordination and flexibility.
★ Senior Active (9 years - 12 years)
Follows the Beginner level of our recreational level system for 9 year old students working on 9 years core gymnastics skills, strength, co-ordination and flexibility.
★ Teen Rec (13 years and above)
Follows the Beginner level of our recreational level system for 13 year old students working on core gymnastics skills, strength, co-ordination and flexibility.
★ Homeschool (All ages and abilities)
Follows the Beginner level of our recreational level system for all ages working on core gymnastics skills, strength, co-ordination and flexibility.
★ Tramp and Tumbling Jr & Sr
For Students who wish to only do the aerial component of gymnastics, focusing on trampoloine skills and floor tumbling motions. this class has a junior class 6-9 and a senior 10+.
★ Development (4 years - 6 years)
Follows the Intermediate level of our recreational level system for our younger gymnasts. This class is the next level up from our beginner programs.
★ Intermediate (6 years and above)
Follows the Intermediate level of our recreational level system for gymnasts 6 years and above. This class is the next level up from our beginner programs.
★ Advanced Rec (All ages)
Follows the Advanced level of our recreational level system for our younger gymnasts. This class is the next level up from our Intermediate programs.
★ Competitive Programs (All ages)
At cooma gymnastics Club we offer Mens artistic gymnastics (MAG) Women's Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) and Team Gymnastics (Teamgym) these Squad and pre squad classes are by invite only.
Celebrate your child’s birthday or special occasion with a Gymnastics Party.
Qualified coaches will keep children entertained with fun gymnastics activities and games including use of trampoline, bars, beams, and much more!
Accepts NSW Creative Kids Vouchers
Accepts NSW Active Kids Vouchers
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Where to find us
Bolaro St, Cooma NSW 2630, Australia

Free Gymnastics Trial Cooma
Cooma Gymnastics Club Incorperated
Cooma · 1-19 years old
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