Wollongong Art Gallery
Wollongong Art Gallery

Wollongong Art Gallery

Wollongong 2500 NSWstar4.5 (View 367 ratings)

Wollongong Art Gallery provides workshops and activities for children aged 5 - 14 years during school holidays.

What do we do?

Wollongong Art Gallery boasts an impressive collection of Australian, Aboriginal and Asian art. Our exhibition program includes work by local, national and international artists, with an accompanying range of activities and workshops.

Our Education Programs aim to inspire and enrich student learning by directly engaging with art, artists and exhibitions. WAG's education facilitators and gallery guides endeavour to create meaningful connections to the Visual Arts through creative thinking and problem solving.


A free, fun tour through the Gallery, designed for 3-5 years olds. Children will explore art works through story-telling, art making, songs and games with the Junior Art Trail team.


Wollongong Art Gallery provides workshops and activities for children aged 5 - 14 years during school holidays in January, July and October. Artist-run activities include experimentation and investigation of various media in a casual and fun environment.

ART SMART - Aft​​​er​​ School Art Program

ART SMART is an introductory course for primary school children who want to improve their artistic skills through a range of fun and stimulating exercises. ART SMART nurtures the exploration of individual creativity and expression through structured lesson plans outside the classroom context. This is an eight-week course, starting every Tuesday from week 2 of each school term. All lessons are taught by our specialist primary school art teacher.


Enrichment Program

This program works in conjunction with the current exhibitions on show at the Gallery. This program provides Visual Arts students across the Illawarra with a full day of visual art workshops, Gallery and exhibition tours - a great opportunity for your students to be creatively extended. All workshops are taught by specialist art teachers and artists using a variety of forms; drawing, painting, mixed media, printmaking and sculpture. Important aspects of the K-12 syllabi are reinforced. Each term there is a new Enrichment Program developed for primary and secondary students.

​Early Childhood

Early childhood tours of the Gallery are available, specially designed for young children. These tours are 30-45 minutes long, and conducted by trained Gallery Guides. A Gallery Educator is also available on request. This is a free service.

Art Making Workshop

Hands-on activities for small groups, combined with a tour and related by theme.

1 hour preschool workshop

Printmaking / painting

Number of students: 15 per workshop​​

★ K-6

Learning to Look - discovery tours introduce students to works of art and their context through a 45-60 minute discussion conducted by trained Gallery Guides. A Gallery Educator is available on request.

• Art Making Workshop

Hands-on activities for groups of 20 students (max), combined with a tour and related by theme.

1 hour primary school workshop

Painting / collage / drawing / recycled sculpture / print making / ceramics**

Number of students: 20

If the group is larger than 20, we can rotate a workshop with another activity such as tour of current exhibitions (tours are free).

★ Secondary

• Visual Arts in Context

45-60 minute tours can be tailored to a theme of your choice and/or linked to study areas conducted by Gallery Guides.

• Artist Practice

45-60 minute tours conducted by Gallery educators

Examine the intentions of an artist, and the techniques, strategies and processes they use to get to the finished product of 'the artwork' with specific reference to current exhibitions.

• Art Making Workshop

1 hour high school workshop

Painting / collage / drawing / recycled sculpture / print making / ceramics**

Number of students: 20

If the group is larger than 20, we can rotate a workshop with another activity such as tour of current exhibitions (tours are free).

Longer workshops can be arranged upon request.​


Provides Online Courses


Accepts NSW Creative Kids Vouchers

Where to find us

46 Burelli St, Wollongong NSW 2500, Australia


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