Shugoki Karate Academy
Salisbury North 5108 SAOur Dojo practices both traditional Shotokan and WKF Sport karate techniques.
What do we do?
The members of our club range from beginners to experts, children above 5 years old to adults over 65 years old. Our club always shares a friendly atmosphere and has an earnest attitude to become better karate practitioners and instructors.
Our classes will help you raise healthy, happy and confident children who reach their full potential through mastering martial arts as a fun activity with Self-Discipline, Self-Defence and Self-Confidence.
Age is no barrier at the SKA. We believe our martial arts is ideal for all ages, with different benefits. Our classes will physically help develop your optimal health & fitness, strength, conditioning, endurance, flexibility and will also help with weight control.
Spiritually our classes will enable you to fight & manage your stress levels, any anxiety/depression and will help develop a mind-set to overcome all obstacles, be they tangible or intangible, in your life by training to focus on the present moment in your classes. At the same time you will master the ultimate techniques of Shotokan Karate.
Our Dojo practices both traditional Shotokan and WKF Sport karate techniques.
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Where to find us
17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North SA 5108, Australia
(10 ratings)
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