NumberWorks'nWords Tutoring Chatswood
Chatswood 2067 NSWChatswood Maths and English Tutoring Experts
What do we do?
Tutoring in Chatswood
If you're searching for a Maths or English tutor on the North Shore, come and check out our Chatswood tuition centre. We offer the kind of tutoring North Shore parents understand and value.
Our curriculum-linked programs are designed by experts to deliver the results your child needs (catch-up, extension or exam prep), while also building confidence and increasing love of learning. We teach children aged 5 to 16 and regular reports show how your child is improving. Every student has an individualised program and works towards agreed personal goals. Results are celebrated.
Effective and engaging maths tuition will ensure your child has the numeracy knowledge and thinking skills required for improved maths performance. We help children who struggle with maths, as well as those who are gifted.
Whether your child is a reluctant reader and writer or an aspiring novelist, we can prescribe a needs-based English tuition programme. Our tutoring complements schoolwork and follows the Australian curriculum.
A NumberWorks’nWords assessment for English and/or Maths will provide you with valuable insight into how your child is progressing.
Meet the Manager: Steve Yuen
Hi, my name's Steve and I'm the manager of NumberWorks'nWords Chatswood. I have over 15 years’ experience teaching English and maths to young learners of different ages, backgrounds and abilities. My passion for teaching is grounded in building close relationships, and I strongly believe in the value of collaboration between teachers, parents and students, as fundamental to learning and progress.
At NumberWorks’nWords, we understand that there is nothing more important than fostering confidence and enjoyment in learning. Our synergy of tailored tuition within a computer-based learning environment is immersive, engaging and fun. Our team of dedicated tutors empower every student to reach their goals and strive to go beyond them. Get in touch to discuss how we can help your child achieve their full potential.
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Where to find us
201 29/31 Albert Ave, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia
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