Brett and Michelle Edwards Tennis Coaching
Haywards Bay 2530 NSWBrett and Michelle Edwards Tennis coaching is a family orientated tennis coaching entity that operates at many centres within Wollongong and Shellharbour.
What do we do?
Brett and Michelle Edwards Tennis coaching is a family orientated tennis coaching entity that operates at many centres within Wollongong and Shellharbour.
Brett and Michelle are both former Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) players and coaches. Brett and Michelle were both professional touring players on the ATP and WTA circuits.
This established family business caters for:
★ Children (5-7) - Pee Wee Classes
★ Children (7-12) - Junior Development Classes
Brett and Michelle Edwards Tennis Coaching also offers Private and Semi-Private lessons for people of all ages and standards.
Hot-Shots programs, round robins and school holiday camps are also available. We also provide a re-stringing service.
Accepts NSW Active Kids Vouchers
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Where to find us
7 Haywards Bay Dr, Haywards Bay NSW 2530, Australia
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