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We are the School Readiness Specialists & Primary School Tutors.
Our unique approach, interactive program and specialised educators is what differentiates B4 big school.
We support preparation for Kindergarten & the primary school years... Academics, social skills (wellbeing), speech delay and much more!
✨ Pre-kindy school readiness (Ages 3.5 - 6years)
✨ Primary school tutoring Ages (4.5-10.5years)
✨ School holiday workshops Ages (4.5-10.5years)
What makes our program different and effective?
Most importantly our program is quite hands on, the warm up activities we provide make the learning fun and support the different types of learners;
• Visual learners
• Auditory learners
• Kinaesthetic (or hands-on) learners
• Reading and writing learners
Since 2017, our one-of-a-kind tutoring centre supports individual child's learning journey and growth. We support ages 3.5 to 10.5 years depending on the program chosen.
We are proud to be a reliable source of support, compassion, patience and understanding - understanding the different ways in which children/students learn and tailoring for this. Our goal is to work together with parents and children to offer a successful transition to Kindergarten as well as helping the students through their primary school years not only through their academics but by also supporting their social skills & wellbeing.
Accepts NSW Creative Kids Vouchers
shop 3 42/44 Queen St, Campbelltown NSW 2560, Australia
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