
Term 3 Webinars: Coding With Python (ages 9-12) - ONLINE - THU Evenings

Creator Academy • Online activitystar5.0(View 14 ratings)


    Term 3 2022 Class Schedule:


    ○ Streaming Thursdays from 21 July (10 weeks)
    ○ 8pm - 9pm AEST
    ○ 60 minute class time

    Join our exclusive live-streamed webinar using the latest in online-education technology.

    ○ Learn from the comfort and convenience of your own home.
    ○ Interact with the teacher by 'raising hands', participating in polls and sending messages live.
    ○ Follow-up materials, home assignments and exercises to continue beyond the lesson.

    For children 9+ years old. Python is a high-level programming language perfect for beginners and experienced students alike:

    ○ Build essential computer literacy skills
    ○ Discover the principles of programming.
    ○ Create tools, functions and programs.
    ○ Share ideas in a supportive environment.
    ○ Improve technical vocabulary and use scientific terms.

    Often, programmers fall in love with Python because of the increased productivity it provides. Since there is no compilation step, the edit-test-debug cycle is incredibly fast. Book your classes with us to learn one of the most exciting new coding technologies around!

9 - 12 years old

0 hour



Accepts creative kids vouchers

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About the provider


Creator Academy

5.0 out of 5 (View 14 ratings)

Creator Academy offers a range of courses designed to build STEAM and coding skills for children. Discover a world of fun with programming, building robots and multimedia in our friendly classes.


Creator Academy (CA) selects students for competition teams at various times throughout the year.

Joining a competition team for Creator Academy gives students a unique opportunity to engage with real-world experts from our professional supporters network, including Transport for NSW, Virgin Australia, University of NSW Solar Racing Team, National Acoustics Laboratory and Preston Hire.

Creator Academy has a proud history of competition at a regional, national and international level.

Selection Requirements

Competition team selections are done by coaches, and requires the student to have at minimum:

○ participated in an equivalent of 4 terms in Creator Academy classes.

○ demonstrated high level of sportsmanship and respect for others

○ demonstrated above-average technical and communication ability

Students in a CA team are not permitted to join other teams for the same competition (for example, the student can't participate in a CA WRO team and their school's WRO team in the same season, but they are welcome to be part of their school's VEX team.)

Team placement decisions by the coach are final, and not guaranteed.

Participation in a competition may require a learning plan over several terms or years. If you are interested in participating in competitions for Creator Academy, please contact us as soon as possible.

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