Engineering & Robotics Camp - Absolute Zero - Charlestown (12th July)
Young Engineers - Newcastle and Maitland • Charlestown 2290Overview
- Engineering & Robotics Camp (Winter 2022)
Engineers, physicists and other scientists have always been intrigued by absolute zero, the theoretical temperature when everything comes to an absolute 'freeze'. Scientists have discovered that the normal laws of the physical world starts to breakdown as temperatures approach absolute zero. This has given rise to new possibilities, inventions and a new way of thinking. Join our winter school holiday program to learn about the states of matter - it's so much more than just solid, liquid and gases. We also explore how engineers use energy to help make the world a better place.
Day Program - 2 to 3 different projects in one big day! Activities differ according to age & ability.
Age Group: Perfect for Grade 1-7 (we work in small groups based on ability & interest)
What To Bring: crunch & sip, lunch clearly labelled with child's name & hat.
Timing: 9am - 1pm
Learn Engineering & Robotics with LEGO®!
Our Engineering & Robotics workshops were especially designed to help kids fall in love with STEM (science, technology, engineering, math). It is all about experiential learning, hands-on fun and thinking outside the box. If you've missed out on our weekly after-school programs, don't miss these.
Up STEM Skills – learning is one thing, learning to learn is superior. We focus on analyzing the problem, experimenting and prototyping to promote a lifelong love for STEM.
Ignite Curiosity – we don’t just remember answers, we leave participants with tantalizing questions to promote curiosity and further exploration.
Build Confidence – we focus on mastery giving participants the opportunity to experience “I Can Do It”
See https://newcastlemaitland.young-engineers.com.au/registration/ for more information.
Frederick St, Charlestown NSW 2290, Australia
5 - 13 years old
0 hour
Accepts creative kids vouchers
Where to find us
Frederick St, Charlestown NSW 2290, Australia
About the provider
The mission of e² Young Engineers is to prepare children for the world they’ll be living and working in. e² Young Engineers fills the gaps that traditional education fails to address. We provide children with accessible, fun and exciting ways to learn important science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts – skills that are necessary for the creative and critical thinking needed to be successful in the modern world.
Young Engineers offers unique STEM programs where children have fun while learning critical skills for the digital age!
What is STEM?
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are becoming increasingly important due to technology pervading every aspect of our lives. A STEM education offers not just information but the ability to process that information correctly. STEM skills include:
✓ Theoretical concepts
✓ Practical application of theory
✓ Critical thinking
✓ Problem solving
✓ Data analysis
✓ Engineering
✓ Physics
✓ Coding
At Young Engineers:
✓ Students build and program motorised LEGO® models
✓ These models are working prototypes of real world machines
✓ Different levels of the program cater to a range of ages and abilities
✓ Children build everything from washing machines, power plants and helicopters to human and animal robots. All the machines move and work at the press of a button!
For the parents it’s an education, for the children it’s a game. What Young Engineers delivers is e² – Education with Entertainment.
★ Big Builders
oung Engineers believes in education through play. Our Big Builders education program introduces young children to scientific concepts through hands-on experiential learning. Children will:
✓ Learn biology and physics concepts
✓ Construct 3D models using K’nex®
✓ Work together to share and discover learning
✓ Learn engineering and maths
✓ Develop fine motor and visual spatial skills
Through their play with co-builders, our young scholars will also be able to develop their interpersonal communication and will gain confidence to discover and invent.
★ Bricks Challenge
The Bricks Challenge program introduces primary school children to the basic principles of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Children learn to ‘think like engineers’ by building complex motorised machines using LEGO®, motors and batteries.
Children will:
✓ Receive our customised and copyrighted LEGO® kits with batteries and motors.
✓ Discover physics by building real-world prototypes that actually work
✓ Discover the joy of learning through hands on projects
✓ Learn innovation and design thinking through a much loved medium
★ Robo Bricks
The Robo Bricks program introduces primary school children to the exciting world of robotics. Children learn to ‘think like engineers’ by building motorised robot ‘models’ using LEGO®, motors and batteries. They further program the robots to perform tasks using the LEGO® Wedo 2.0 app. Their robots learn to respond to environmental inputs using sensors, giving the children an end-to-end robotics experience! Students will:
✓ Be introduced to algorithmic thinking
✓ Build robots that mimics real-world machines
✓ Develop and test computer algorithms
✓ Learn how to code using a visual interface
✓ Learn software engineering principles like pseudo-code and flow charts
✓ Use sensors like motion and tilt sensors
✓ Get their robots to respond to the changing environment
✓ Develop critical thinking and creative problem solving skills
★ Galileo Technic
Galileo Technic takes students to the next level in STEM education. Students continue to build motorised LEGO® models – but the scale and complexity of the model increases significantly. Students will:
✓ Learn advanced physics concepts and explore known concepts at a deeper level
✓ Learn new maths and mechanical engineering principles
✓ Use long chains of gears in machine design
✓ Greater emphasis on teamwork and collaboration
✓ Learn to test and troubleshoot their machines – just like real engineers!
★ Robotics
The advanced Robotics program is for students who want to immerse themselves in advanced engineering and coding principles, normally taught at university level of study. Students use LEGO®EV3 engines, multiple different sensors and more sophisticated motors to build their robots. Children will:
✓ Learn advanced coding and software skills
✓ Simulate real-life machines that perform range of tasks
✓ Learn to code a range of parameters in their machine
✓ Follow complex flow charts
✓ Longer sessions for greater skill building
✓ Use range of sensors like gyro, touch, colour & motion
✓ Use 2 different types of motors
✓ Build models having multiple moving parts and complex order for part movement
✓ Further develop critical thinking and creative problem solving skills
★ After School Clubs
Young Engineers after-school clubs provide extracurricular opportunities for students to access our unique STEM education programs. All Young Engineers after-school clubs are offered via a partnership model between the local primary school and one of our franchisees. We’ve already partnered with hundreds of schools throughout Australia to offer these unique Young Engineers clubs. Click on the link above to find the closest location to you.
★ Holiday Camps
Engineering Camps are delivered by Young Engineers franchisees throughout Australia during the school holidays. They are full of fun and packed with STEM learning. For many students, Engineering Camps is the only way to access our programs (if your school does not offer Young Engineers incursions or after-school club).
You can also find Young Engineer’s holiday programs offered by some of Australia’s most STEM loving vacation care providers. We are happy to collaborate with vacation care providers to help more students find their love for STEM.
★ Birthdays
Looking for something different for your school-age child’s birthday party? Why not add some engineering and Lego® fun? Entertain and educate while creating birthday memories that last forever!
What happens at a Young Engineers Birthday Party?
✓ We come to your venue of choice
✓ We run 2 hours of Lego engineering, games and other creative activities for your child
✓ Children build moving Lego machines that work!
✓ They experience an unforgettable mechanical and engineering experience
★ Incursions
School Incursions provide a unique STEM learning experience designed to help your students realise their full potential.
✓ Ideal for Kindy-Year 8 classrooms
✓ Designed to get students involved in solving real-world STEM problems.
✓ We can come in for one off and full term incursions
✓ 3P Pedagogy makes learning comprehensive and fun.
✓ Product Based Learning – Students build products they see in the world around them. For example, the conveyer belt at the Supermarket, the elevator in their building, or the laundry machine in their house.
✓ Project Based Learning – Every incursion is a project that children execute and complete from start to finish.They work together so every child has a working model at the end of the session.
✓ Problem Based Learning – Children are given problems to solve to extend their design thinking and STEM knowledge.
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